Thursday, May 5, 2016

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Hello again. Thanks for checking in on my progress. It is about time i get some paint on this thing. Well primer anyway. This is probably one of the largest debates regarding the construction process. Some say it is necessary to use a complex two part system requiring an expensive system with a paint booth, others say that automotive primer is good. Others (including Van's) say it is not necessary to prime as the plane will certainly outlive the builder no matter what. I have decided to take the advice of the editor of Kit Planes who said in a Vans Airforce ( forum post that Dupli-Color Self Etching Primer has always worked great for him. 

Here are my parts all laid out and scuffed up with scotch brite, ready for priming. 

I started out with a screen and quickly realised this was a bad idea. Ended up getting crappy results. I had to sand these parts down and start over. I needed to figure out how to keep the spray can upright.

This is what I came up with. Safety wire to string up all the pieces. This worked much better. 

And the finished product.

Skins were pretty easy.  Ran out of primer. Skins will need another coat before installing.