Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Aft Fuse Assembly

Working along slow. Over the last several days the Aft Fuselage has come together. The first task was to make a level surface. This garage is terrible. It is a wonder people don't fall down as the floor is so uneven. Check out all the shims to get this right!!!

Next the bottom skin is laid out with the middle bulkheads.

Now the sides, front and rear bulkheads are clecoed.

Now the 4 length wise stiffeners are shaped on each end.

Tail cone is assembled and attached.

Now that all pieces of the rear fuse are attached, all holes are drilled.

With that finished it all comes apart in order to debur all holes and edges. Then dimple before priming and riveting.

Will keep you posted.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Main Longerons

OK, ok, I have been working. Just not posting. I would rather work than post. Over the last few days I have been working on the main longerons. These are two angle aluminum pieces which run the entire length of the plane. These two parts need to be bent into the exact shape on the contour of the body.

To get the shape right, I created a cardboard template from the full sized plans to transfer to the angle.


Now using the bench vice and a dead blow hammer to make the two sides.