Sunday, July 19, 2020

Wheel Fairings

The gear and wheel fairings as said to increase the top speed by 12 MPH. The kit does contain a great shape to get started with. I start out with some trimming the gear leg fairings to remove excess material to make them fit properly. 

Next the wheel pants them selves.

Fitting to the wheels

Used laser levels to create a grid aligned to the center line which made the line up a snap. 

Mocking up the intersection fairings. 

Again using the laser level to line up the gear fairings. 

Accurate to 1/32 inch. I'm sure once they are put on and off a few times, they will become sloppy, But for now, they are correct. 

Canopy Bow

This is a modification from the original design which is supposed to increase the durability of the joint between the canoy and the wind screen. Instead of a fiberglass overlap, I will be using a .032 inch aluminium sheet cut the correct shape.


Completed Canopy

So one thing I can say, the canopy takes a long time to complete. A loooooooooong time. I will admit there was a lot of start and stop work over a few months to complete this. I would guess there is more than 60 hours in total to complete this component. I am extremely happy with the finished product. I'll give the abridged version here the get this blog caught back up to present day.